Monday, June 4, 2012

Falls Creek Falls

This waterfall in Skamania County Washington is a beauty! This is a hike well worth the time. As usual go early as there are lots of people later. The hike is casual and the falls are about 1.7 miles from the parking area. The hike is an out and back and follows Falls Creek.

The falls are a total of 210 feet and are 3 tiered. What you see when you get there is the last two tiers of a 90' cascade  and then 60' plunge. The top tier is blocked from view here.

Near the top you cross a couple of small creeks with beautiful rushing water framed by the Vine Maples.

This bridge crosses Falls Creek early in the hike.

This Bunchberry or Cornus canadensis is a dwarf Dogwood. No wonder they look so alike.

According to Greek legend, this Windflower or Anemone deltoidea was sent by Greek God of Wind Anemos to herald the beginning of spring. Works for me.

Fairy-Slipper  or Calypso bulbosa is a wild Orchid. 

Flowers of the Beargrass