September 12th,
We arrived at Mowich Lake trailhead ready to get on the trail. We began our hike with the Wonderland trail South and then took the Spray Park Trail. It is longer and a much bigger climb but the scenery is not to be missed.
The climb included an overlook at Eagle Cliffs that would provide our first trailside view of the mountain. The side trail to Spray Falls was worth the effort as a small stream becomes massively spread out over the looming cliffs above.
Finishing most of the ascent rewards with a beautiful alpine meadow in Spray Park and intimate views of 'Tahoma'.
After a rest and some snow angels in the snowfields we headed down to our camp at Cataract Falls.We left the crowd behind on this descent as most were day hikers. The last mile seemed harder on us than the first mile of the day. Our packs were heavy as we had no cashe drops planned. Camp was miserable little spot with no views. The bathroom was hilarious as the walls of the privacy screen had collapsed. This left a person sitting on a throne about 5 feet in the air with camp site # 6 seemingly getting a show.
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