Friday, September 25, 2009

Wonderland Trail day 7

We left our nice little camp and hiked down Paradise Creek to its confluence with the Nisqually River where we crossed with a great view of the south side of Mt Ranier. We came across a wooden pipe running along the trail. It was reinforced by small steel rings every inch and was about 18" diameter. We found a hole in it and upon inspection found it empty. It used to carry water to an electric generator. After passing Carter Falls we headed for Longmire. We hoped to loose some garbage and maybe send a few things home to lighten our load for the tough stretch of hiking ahead
. At Longmire we found beautiful buildings, a post office that could not mail more than 2 pounds and most importantly an inn with a great breakfast.

We ate every scrap of food they brought to the table. After breakfast we hiked up to Kautz creek where we took the afternoon off in the sun and sand before hiking the long steep climb up to our camp at Devil's Dream.

When we arrived at Devil's Dream we realized we needed to hike another 1/2 mile for water. Jennifer continued uphill to some beautiful alpine lakes for camp water. Knowing the forcast was for rain we set up a lightweight lean-too I had been packing for a morning 'dry' space while we packed up. Tommorrow would be the longest mileage at 13+ as well as the largest ascent/descent at 4100 ft each. This we went to sleep with as well as the prospect for rain.

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